I have her hot wired to a momentary push button switch on the dashboard but want to get it fixed right. All the new cars these days brag about the push to start function. Shoot! I got that on an '87!

Moderators: FORDification, Thunderfoot
Thanks! That'll be on the list. First off I'd like to narrow it down a bit more. I want to check where the fault is. Is it between the ignition switch and the NSS or between the NSS and the starter relay. Trying first to figure out where/how to check those circuits.1970FordTK wrote:Reason I know on that its how I help a friend of mine with a 90 model that his gave out while parked right in front of the post office in a no parking zone. Those two screws are about as long as your little finger and with a manual screwdriver feel twice as long to get out. Put the vice grips on the rod and made sure the key was in the on position pushed it forward and bingo truck running and out of the way. Down side, had to help replace that actuator, parts cheep, but digging out that stuff out of the column takes time and patients.
I'm not sure about a fusible link. That wire disappears into a wrapped/loomed harness a few inches from the connector. If there is a fusible link it's somewhere in that harness further along the circuit. When I turn the key to Run all lights, accessories, etc, works as it should. Power is obviously getting to the ignition switch. Turn it to Start and nothing happens. Key feels the same as always but power is obviously not making it from the ignition switch to the starter relay. Tried Park, Neutral and holding up on the shift lever, wiggling, holding pressure around P and N, nothing worked. The NSS gave out a few months ago and it started in neutral so I just drove it like for awhile. Finally replaced the NSS and it went back to starting in P. Been fine for 2-3 months until this episode last week. Need to figure out which wire/terminal is power into the NSS and which is out or jump around it. Then I can eliminate or confirm the NSS. A good wiring diagram would help. If course this happens when winter sets in. No good comfy place to work on it. Might just have to wait till spring.DuckRyder wrote:Does it have a fusible link in that wire by chance? if it hasn't already been replace it probably has a little yellow tab made onto it.
For clarity sake, it won't spin? That is what I understand?
Try N vs Park?