Thank You! One of the lesser reasons why I haven't been around much lately, is seeing the political junk growing.FORDification wrote:
3) Please NO POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS! ...Therefore, from this point on there will be a zero-tolerance position regarding any discussions of a political nature. Such threads will be deleted immediately and without warning. Just an FYI.
Just no two ways about it. When politics or religion are being discussed, there are too strong of feelings involved, and name-calling and bashing always happens sooner or later. Unfortunately, the two often go hand in hand, as well, and this isn't the place for it; just my

Also, I know I've ventured off topic a time or two myself, and will do my best to reign that in. Everyone gets carried away now and then, so it's hard not to share it when we do.

Last of all, welcome back to bright side!