Fuel Gauge Fun

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Re: Fuel Gauge Fun

Post by erikhillard »

The Bandit wrote:Glad to see that worked out for you! I on the other hand had the opposite problem. When I ordered my tank from lmc I forgot to order the sending unit as well so being that npd and DC are local to me and I was right by npd I stopped in and got one from them. I was never able to get it working properly and the one time I did get to read close to full I ran out of gas while still showing just over a 1\4 tank left in it. The one I got from DC worked out for me and I never had a problem again with it.

Good luck with you truck!

Ha! Yeah I think the moral of the story here is that one combination won't necessarily work for everyone. I'm sure the newer sending unit style probably works with another gauge/tank combo. But my combo sure seems to like the older repro style I got from NPD.
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Re: Fuel Gauge Fun

Post by cep62 »

erikhillard wrote: First time in 15 years I had a working gauge.
I feel your joy , I have a '77 f150 I use to plow snow and I finally got gauge working this year after just four years.
It feels like a luxury .

I had one years ago that had no gauge , so I carried a gas can.
I never "ran " out of gas. I just stopped to make a fuel transfer. :D
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Re: Fuel Gauge Fun

Post by basketcase0302 »


Yep like cep62 said I counted my blessings to have dual tanks so when I heard the engine sputter I'd reach down and switch the tank over real quick and let it restart itself while slowing down LOL!

Absolutely love...NPD and also find it disturbing that any part from DC would be of such poor craftmanship! :(
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Re: Fuel Gauge Fun

Post by mytoolman »

Ok...been dealing with the same thing 1972 F250. Has a twist though...gas gauge STOPPED reading at all for a day. Stayed on empty the whole day after I drove it to the point that it took 17 gallons to fill it. I had prior to this never let this tank get that low on gas. I parked the truck for a couple of days. I went to drive it and the gauge WITH NO KEY IN THE IGNITION was reading 1/2 Full. It never reads when there is no key in it and it at least in the on position. Why did it read 1/2 Full with no key in it? I started the truck and it went to empty......I removed the sender to look at its arm swing. It still looks brand new from its November install. I expected the arm to be stuck or something...nope it moves nice and freely. I reinstalled it noticing at least 3/4 worth of gas in the tank. I decided to eat some lunch. I moved the key to the accessory position so I could listen to the radio while lunching and the gas gauge needle went from the E to the familiar 3/4 mark. The radio played its typical way crackly way with a bad speaker for a moment and then the speaker died. No more sound. I started the truck up and gas gauge stayed on 3/4 full...To add to the confusion this tank and sender are new from November. The gas gauge with this current setup since November has NEVER shown to read higher than 3/4 tank even after filling it up to overflowing. I bought the truck and more or less immediately took it to the paint shop and then got it in November about 10 days before Thanksgiving. The truck did not want to run after its 9 months in the paint shop. The gas tank was a rusty mess. The sender float arm was rusted in one place. I dont remember now if the gauge managed to work or not...I put the new Chinese POS tank it has in it now in it then and this fuel sending unit. Its never shown full.
Questions to simplify this long post 1. Why no gas gauge reading for that day after running the tank almost dry? 2. Why after it wouldnt budge past E and it sat for a couple of days did the gas gauge read 1/2 full without the ignition in the on position? 3. Why does this gas gauge never read more than 3/4 full when the tank is full?
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Re: Fuel Gauge Fun

Post by DuckRyder »

Tool man.

I would check all connections carefully and probably replace the IPVR.Check the traces on the printed circuit while its out.

Any other gauge weirdness?
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