Just added is a complete listing of all part numbers for all F100/350 steering boxes and their respective parts lists. This listing also allows you to decode the tag that's normally bolted to the top of the box.
Gear Assembly, Steering
Also, I suppose that unless you've already been checking out the Parts Number Index, you hadn't noticed that about a week ago I accidentally posted an incomplete page covering the steering column. However, I decided to just leave it there and continue to get it built. Well, over the past few days I've been adding substantially to that listing, and it's now complete.
Steering Column
I also posted another under-construction page, while some last-minute research continues. This page is a sub-page of the Steering Column listing, which discusses the parts number changes with the horn button, horn ring and turn signal lever, and is worth checking out. I'll add some more to this page later as my research continues and a vintage parts manual that I recently acquired on E-bay arrives to aid in that research.
Steering Column Parts Differences
Have fun!