Wow, that really sucks that it would collapse. At least the Datsun sacrificed itself for the Porsche. I never was a big fan of that style building...
Here's some pics of my little 24 x 28 man cave. Looks something like Robroy's setup

Gawd what a mess.
Back right corner behind the mill is the chainsaw museum. Big old ones up in the top right are a '53 Lombard and a '55 Diston. the rest are Homelites and Stihls with one Echo. Just about all of them run. I just move everything off the table to work on them. The hydraulic press to the left doesn't work, but does a good job of holding junk... The blower is from a Buick. The grill is one of many '68 Fairlane grills I have stashed around.
Second shot is more junk, actually the right front of the shop. Mill is to the left. Shelving in the back is a bunch of Equipto shelves mounted to 2x12's. Paint and junk, painting junk, powdercoating stuff are all on the left, right side is full of tractor parts waiting for me to reassemble my To35. Here are two of my three drill presses diligently holding things off the ground. The welders are hiding behind the junk cart. The Rotophase controller is on the wall. There's a prts washer to the left of that.
The mill... taking up the rest of the bay. The table is in front of it, naturally full of mill stuff although there is a little Atlas lathe at the far end.
The back wall, with some more junk hanging from the peg board. Grinders and stuff are in the cubbys next to the toolbox and little rolling table. One of the hose reals are hanging there, fishing rods are hanging from the rafters, the header panel was drilled for pins and holds a bunch of old emblems (up by the flags)
Don't ask, more junk. Let's see, about 30 ford processors, saws, '68-69 styled steel hub caps, junk, really dirty model cars, X wing fighter I need to put together with the oldest. Sears neon clock I wanted to put a better picuture in sometime. More junk. S code 390 with OEM Shelby valve covers on the floor next to the fridge, which is next to the 9.9 merc outboard on the table under the bench.
Left front, more junk, nuts and bolt under the bench, tons of little parts above the bench, miter saw for chopping kindling (makes a mess out of the bench and get wood dust in with the nuts and bolts) Buffer for the aluminum stuff, Buffalo bench drill press and another bench grinder on the front wall.
Some day I'll take pictures of the lower 18x36 shed where the rest of the stuff is. Once a month I go through the garage and clean out the junk and it still looks trashed. Incredible.